For a proper balance here, China should issue further open-door policy for the western border and set up an international economic cooperation belt. 为在一个相对较高的层次上解决公平与效率的两全问题,应加大沿边开放力度,构建缘西边境国际经济合作带。
Open-door feature of Fuxin economic development 论阜新经济发展的外向性
In the course of leading Chinese economic construction and implementing reform and open-door policy, Chen Yun states on several occasions that economic steadiness is vital to Chinese construction and social development. 陈云在领导新中国经济建设和改革开放过程中,多次阐述经济稳定对国家建设和社会发展的重要性。
Economic growth of our country has got great achievement since the implementation of reform and open-door policies, the amount of the economy is increasing rapidly, and the three major demands have played a significant role in boosting economic growth. 改革开放以来,我国经济发展取得巨大成就,经济总量实现了跨越式发展,三大需求对经济发展的拉动作用功不可没。
Ever since the economic reform and open-door in China, wine-making industry has developed rapidly, creating leading economic benefits in the food industry and making great contribution to national finance. 改革开放以来,我国酿酒行业迅速发展,创造出来的经济效益在食品行业中处于领先地位,为国民经济做出了积极贡献。